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Comments by Bernie Tomc on 10-14-2022 at 15:32
St. Charbel, I ask for your intercession for the repose of the soul of Scott Alan Tomc(age 55) and the living members of his family: Lynn, wife; Kyle, son; and Marianna, daughter. St. Charbel, I ask that you bring the Peace of Jesus and Mary to Lynn`s heart, especially in the morning and times when the death of Scott heavily wounds her heart. Intercede for Kyle and Marianna and bring the Peace of Jesus and Mary to their hearts. Protect, deliver and purify their hearts, by the power of the Holy Spirit, from the spirits of despair, depression, unforgiveness of self, and all suicidal spirits. Watch over Lynn, Kyle, and Marianna as a spiritual father, St. Charbel, and increase the hope of the Father in their hearts. Amen.
Comments by Claribel Macalma on 10-14-2022 at 12:14
Fellow believers, Please pray for my healing, I believe of Saint Charbel intercession and please Saint Charbel help us, please pray for our healing body, mind and soul. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Comments by KATIA MENDONÇA on 10-06-2022 at 22:28
Gracias San Charbel por tu amistad e por todos los milagros que he recibido.
Comments by Tania on 10-04-2022 at 10:18
Je vous en supplie Mar Charbel faites que Marc me reparle reconciliez nous et faites que ma mamn repose en paix. Amen . Je vous en supplie ecaucez moi je vous sime et ai vonfiance en vous.
Comments by Thomas on 10-03-2022 at 04:21
St. Charbel please help me.
Comments by José Puchol on 10-01-2022 at 15:39
Cher Saint-Charbel, merci d`exaucer mes vœux. Je te demande de supprimer tout le stress qui m`empêche de gérer ma vie d`une manière raisonnable, vertueuse et charitable; aide-moi à équilibrer harmonieusement et parfaitement mon corps, mon mental et mon âme. Aide-moi pour que mes projets professionnels aboutissent à bon terme. Aide-moi à jouir d`un discernement.. Eloigne de moi les mauvaises influences. Merci. Amen.
Comments by Hatem Sabrina on 09-30-2022 at 19:11
Très cher Saint Charbel, je te remercie infiniment pour ton aide au quotidien. Je te prie d`intercéder auprès du Seigneur pour accorder la guérison à mon frère Tony, qui est très malade et qui traverse un moment très difficile. Allège ses douleurs, protège-le et donne-lui la force, fais qu`il puisse vaincre la maladie. Un très grand merci Saint-Charbel.
Comments by Jennifer Matherne on 09-28-2022 at 22:14
I pray that my daughter,Lacey, comes back to God. Thank you.
Comments by Gillet Ingrid on 08-18-2020 at 19:38
Ya Ma Charbel sahed na
Comments by María Esther Fuentes on 08-18-2020 at 07:47
San Charbel Gracias por los regalos recibidos. Estoy en tu perpetuo cuidado en las necesidades. Amén
Comments by johanna vanessa contreras on 08-08-2020 at 12:51
Comments by Diane Cecilia Paulozza on 08-06-2020 at 06:16
My Heartfelt prayers goes to the people of Beirut, that they are well taken cared, and provided with good support in the restorations of their city. I join in prayers in grieving for the losses of your good people. May St. Charbel, come to your help in God`s Name. Amen
Comments by Corina Gabriela MEIER on 08-03-2020 at 14:44
Por intercessione de Jesùs, Marìa y Josè. Ruego tu intercesiòn Amado San Charbel por mi niño de 5 que aùn no tiene el diagnóstico a su keratitis ocular, mal estado de uñas y dientes. Sanàlo de sus ojos como hiciste en tu gran milagro con el hombre que habían de extirpar su ojo. Te lo suplico. Yo seré tu devota fiel. Amen
Comments by May Rabuya on 08-01-2020 at 18:15
Dear St Charbel, Please help me pray to the Holy Spirit that my only child, Bernadette, live a holy life. May she not be influenced by the worldly things but instead put Jesus at the centre of her life. May she be obedient, pure, respectful and at peace with everyone. May she always be protected from harm and be blessed with good health and grateful heart. May she always do good and pious things. Thank you, St Charbel. Please look after us and guide us all the days of our lives. May
Comments by Gómez Carrillo María del Carmen on 07-27-2020 at 22:47
Bendito San Chàrbel te ruego humildemente intercedas por mi cuñada Nancy Rojas Noyola, ella sufre de hernias lumbares que le producen gran dolor e incapacidad de movimiento, se que esta enfermedad Dios la permite por una razón y se que solo èl tiene el poder de curarla es por eso que necesitamos tu ayuda para que Dios a travez de ti nos conceda el milagro de sanarla, pero que no se haga nuestra voluntad sino la suya Amén
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