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Comments by Maria hdez on 01-23-2023 at 14:26
Bendito sea Dios! Te ruego tu intercesion. Por la conversion de mis hijos. Mi esposo. La salud se mi suegra y la salud de mi mama. Y la mia. Te ruego por los jóvenes ateos. Especial mi hijo. Te ruego por el papa francisco y los obispos
Comments by Rolande Madame Boisdron on 01-18-2023 at 19:30
Saint Charbel guéris moi de la sinusite et de la toux .du dos ,du genou droit et libéré moi .je vous remercie beaucoup de vos prières .
Comments by Elizabeth Aceves on 01-16-2023 at 13:42
San Charbel gracias porque confío en tu intercesión ante nuestro Padre Dios gracias por salir a nuestro encuentro y brindarme tu amistad. Confío en Dios y en tu intercesión.
Comments by Kathleen Mongan on 01-14-2023 at 17:35
Please St Chabel hear my prayers for my family Amen
Comments by Jacki Harding on 01-14-2023 at 03:05
Dear Saint Charbel, I have just learned of you today. Please send me a miracle and grant my prayers and novena. Thank you. Amen.
Comments by Sebastian Mlynski on 01-05-2023 at 18:34
Saint Sharbel, please pray for my wife Marta who is undergoing heavy surgery today to remove a cancerous tumor and please save Marta and her eye
Comments by JACQUELINE GARCIA on 12-27-2022 at 19:09
San Charbel una más acudo a ti para pedir de tu favor y de tu intersección ante nuestro Padre para que solicites ilumine y abra los caminos para que ya se materialice y concrete el trabajo con el Sella, que la remuneración económica sea de abundancia económica infinita que me permita cubrir todos los gastos que tengo en mi casa, con la universidad de mi hijo y ahora con su problema de salud.Padre en tus manos dejo mi petición y me rindo ante ti, y confio que tu sabes que es lo mejor para mi y mi hijo. Gracias, gracias, gracias. Por que ya esta escrito y hecho. Amen
Comments by jacques Veerayen. on 12-26-2022 at 07:25
Comments by M. Kim on 12-23-2022 at 15:44
Dear St. Charbel, I pray to you and believe you will heal me from my illness and conditions in my body & mind. I offer myself & my family to you that you will intercede to our Lord Jesus Christ who is on the cross. St. Charbel please grant me the miracle of healing me from my endometriosis & all the complications that come with it. I believe. I believe. I believe. I believe you will grant me miraculous miracles & blessings. Amen.
Comments by Isabella Odorici on 12-22-2022 at 12:09
San Charbel ho il cancro al seno, per favore fai questo miracolo di guarirmi e togliermi questa sofferenza mentale e fisica abbi pietá sto tanto male
Comments by Paolo Mannino on 12-19-2022 at 21:22
Benedetto Padre San Charbel, mi affido alle tue preghiere e alla tua intercessione per chiederti due grazie. La prima è che dall’Italia possiamo realizzare il pellegrinaggio “Sulle orme di San Charbel e dei Santi maroniti”. La seconda che ti chiedo è per i miei amici eremiti che vivono nell’eremo Beata Vergine del Soccorso a Minucciano, specialmente il superiore Padre Lorenzo, che mi è fraternamente amico; stanno attraversando grosse difficoltà. Chiedo la tua intercessione anche perché io sappia accettare, con fiducia e fedeltà, la volontà del Signore. Non nobis Domine sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam.
Comments by SAV Michele on 12-16-2022 at 07:54
S`il vous plait mon bon Saint Charbel, guérissez-moi, AMEN
Comments by Sophie Tiger on 12-08-2022 at 22:21
Merci St Charbel pour ton intercession et tes prières. Tu m`accompagnes depuis 1998, un peu plus de 23 ans ! Tous les jours je t`invoque, et je continue de te demander de m`aider dans ma conversion pour que je sois totalement moi-même en Christ. Dis-lui merci de ma part ainsi qu`à Notre Très Sainte Mère. Et, s`il te plaît, continue de prier pour moi, ma guérison, afin que je n`ai plus de douleur et ma réussite pour la Gloire de Dieu. Protège-moi par ta douce et sainte présence, toujours, guide-moi. Et avec tous les Sts et Stes du Paradis priez pour la conversion de tous les êtres humains, très vite, pour le retour de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ très très bientôt. Priez aussi pour le Pape François et les évêques, afin que collégialement ils se mettent d`accord, alors Notre Très Sainte Mère apportera La Paix au monde avant le retour de son Fils, Le Roi des rois. Merci infiniment St Charbel. Je t`aime tout plein.
Comments by Helena Smolock on 12-08-2022 at 22:19
Many blessings to my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have a beautiful story and miracle to share. I have been introduced to St. Charbel most recently by a good friend. I am Lebanese, born and raised in Canada. I believe that St. Charbel wanted me to know he was present. The story - My husband and I have a beautiful English Shepherd named HEMI. My husband had taken out to a park to run and play after which I had requested to my husband not to take him to that specific area. Well, they came back home and HEMI was limping, he had injured his paw. So, when he was laying down, I put my hand on his injured paw and prayed to St. Charbel asking him to help our dog. The next day, HEMI was running and happy...he was healed. I pray everyday, that God will open up my chance to visit Lebanon and visit your Monastery. My parents were born in Lebanon and left to Canada when they were very young. I never have been there, it is in my heart to visit my heritage. May God bless all of you. Much love from Blaine, WA USA This is where I live now.
Comments by Regina Furia on 12-06-2022 at 02:48
Please pray for my sister Patricia who is an elderly woman addicted to opiates . Please Saint Charbel heal her.
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