Introduction: Since the death of St Charbel till nowadays, countless miracles and marvels were performed through his intercession. As soon as the news of the miracles spread, letters from Lebanon first and from the neighbor countries later, were sent to the monastery. Progressively, we started to receive letters from the whole world. Thus, 133 countries send letters to St Maron monastery in Annaya, tomb of St Charbel. Some of which are conserved in the register of the convent while as others are exposed to the visitors in the museum. Since then and till 2021 thousands and thousands of letters have been received. We point out that these letters are written and do not include those we receive by e-mails and orally. As for the content, it is almost the same the majority of times: either telling healings performed through the intercession of St Charbel, or asking his intercession to protect their family, their children and their country, or even asking for blessed oil and water, books, incense, relics of the Saint… Some people ask from the monks and the visitors of the convent to light a candle and pray for a patient or for having a baby. Others implore St Charbel and tell him confidential stories of which relatives are not aware. We will only mention few of these letters that we received till 2021 and we will refer to the name of the country as well as the flag. |